Industrial Property Valuation and Consulting. Epping Property is the leader in knowing what the current market conditions are. Knowing precisely what market demand is and what properties are currently selling for is a competitive advantage. We can give an inexpensive market valuation of any industrial property. Being leaders in knowing what rentals and what selling prices are achievable in current market conditions enables us to provide you with accurate and up-to-date market information. Our property valuation and consulting team are on-top-of-the-game! The institutional background provides us with the edge over others in the marketplace.
We can assist owners in accurate valuations of their properties for the City of Cape Town Property General Valuation. The most recent general valuation is GV2018. As this involves substantial specialist knowledge, we only handle such valuation for industrial properties in Epping, WP Park and Thornton/ Viking Park. Objections need to be submitted before the end of March 2019.
Our clients value our market valuation services as down-to-earth and accurate. Speak to the area experts and get an accurate assessment!
Our background is selling and purchasing property for some significant institutional landlords. Hence, we can assist in the entire buying or selling process from start to finish. We are also able to conduct due diligence procedures. We have detailed templates that will suit even the largest of transactions.
Check all the open market property sales in Epping for the last few years. (Scroll down to the bottom of this linked webpage).