Factory to rent in Epping Industria. Various factories and also business premises are available to rent in Gunners Park. There is easy accessibility for vehicles and loading. Importantly, Gunners Park is the only park in Epping that offers units for rent in the 200m² to 260m² range.
Light industrial park in Epping 1 is conveniently located opposite the train station for easy access to public transport.
The park offers excellent security with 24-hour guard placement, boomed/fenced entrance and CCTV cameras.
Fibre infrastructure on site.
Since companies are expanding, premises are continually coming up for rent. Hence, please contact Epping Industrial Property Brokers for an updated list of premises available. Also, please note that this landlord quotes rentals that include certain costs, such as water, which are not typically included in most other rental quotes.
Click here for the only park with 100m² units for rent in Epping.
Click here for the only park with 300m² units for rent in Epping.
Located on the corner of Gunners Circle and Grenville Ave. Consequently, there is good access to the main arterial roads. Also, 3-phase power. In addition, reliable 24-hour security. An excellent option for small businesses at affordable rentals. Most currently available units are in the 240m² size range. The rental quoted includes expenses typically charged as additional items by landlords. As units are constantly being let and others are becoming available, please contact us for an updated list.
Most units have 3-phase power. As far as a factory to rent in Epping Industria, Gunners Park is probably a perfect option for small industrial businesses. There is reliable 24-hour security. As a result, Gunners Park is an excellent option for a factory to rent in Epping Industria. Small businesses will be able to secure premises at affordable rentals. Most currently available units are in the 240m² size range. Please contact us for an updated list of available units.
See an informative overview of all the other industrial parks in Epping.
Benefits of locating one’s business in Epping Industria, Cape Town
- First of all, Epping Industria is the most central industrial node in Cape Town. Consequently, quick access to most of the major roadways in the Cape Peninsula.
- Also, less traffic congestion than in most other large industrial areas.
- Proximity to all forms of public transport.
- There is 24-hour security throughout Epping Industria with 24-hour camera surveillance.
- It seems like a good availability of power for businesses.
- Wide roads hence offering good access to all forms of large trucks.
- Epping is actively managed by the Epping CID – the most extensive Community Improvement District (CID) in SA. As a result, a well-managed suburb.
The premises are close to the Cape Town Market. The Cape Town Market is one of the oldest and probably, the largest fresh produce market in South Africa. It is over 50 years old and services over 5,500 producers delivering fresh produce to market agents. Finally, the agents, in turn, sell the fresh produce to over 8,000 registered buyers.
The Epping Community Improvement District (ECID) manages the suburb of Epping Industria. All owners contribute to the operating costs of the ECID. The ECID assists the City of Cape Town Municipality look after aspects such as cleaning, security, emergency management and traffic management. In conclusion, a win-win for businesses and landlords.
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Property Details
Type: For Rent
Rentable Area: 245.00 m²
Property ID: 157
Additional Features:
24-Hour Security, Epping 1, Industrial Park, Occupation immediate