Industrial Factory for Rent in Epping. 1,289m² of rentable area. Also, there are many parking bays. Plus, a brand new modern roof. Noteworthy is the well-run Body Corporate. Excellent power supply. Recently repainted. 24-hr security.
Well-located on Bofors Circle in Epping Industrial 2, these premises are easy to find.

Industrial Complexes in Epping Industria.
Vital factors to consider when entering into a new lease for industrial property. Probably the most important aspects of any new transaction!
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Property Details
Price: R60,000/month
Type: Rented
Type: Rented
Rentable Area: 1,289.00 m²
Property ID: 159
Property ID: 159
Additional Features:
Abundant Power, Epping 2, Occupation date by negotiation