Factory premises for rent – Consani Business Park. Consani Park is one of the best and most secure business parks in the central industrial areas of Cape Town. 24-hour security is included.
The premises measures 4,200 m² in total, including the new modern offices. Two operational gantry cranes of 3-ton capacity each service the factory. Ablution facilities for about 100 staff. 630 Amps power. 8m height. Large yard of 1,500 m² at a small additional cost. Occupation from 01 March 2022.

Elsies River industrial area is central to most parts of Cape Town. It is close to the Northern suburbs, Southern suburbs as well as the City and the Atlantic seaboard. Consani Business Park and Central Park are the two main secure business parks in Elsies River. Therefore this location is close to Epping Industria and Parow Industria.
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Property Details
Type: Rented
Occupation Date: March, 2022
Rentable Area: 4,200.00 m²
Property ID: 184
Additional Features:
24-Hour Security, Abundant Power, Elsies River, Industrial Park, Large Floor-to-Ceiling Height, Large Yard, Occupation immediate